What is Web design? ✽

“First impressions matter”, have you ever heard this before? Well, yes they definitely do and that is why web design is important. Having a good presentable website is a priority because no matter how good your business is if the design of your website is not attractive and users friendly it will make the consumers think that you simply have gone out of business.
But creating the perfect website involves more than just designing the layout. Although web design is a very important Digital marketing tool, other tools should be used alongside it to create the most attractive users friendly platform to not hold back on your brand’s popularity.
Fun fact: The average internet user has an attention span of 6-8 seconds. If you are unable to attract their attention in these seconds it is highly likely they will move on.
How to create a website for your business?
- Website design: Discuss with a web designer your requirements and ideas for the layout of the website so they could design a mockup layout of how your website would look like.
- Website Developer: Forward your website design layout to the developer to create the coding for the website to make it functional.
- User Experience Developer (UX developer): This is the step where the developer makes sure the website is user friendly; to make sure it attracts and keeps the website visitors.

What is Website design?
This is the creative part of creating a website, where web designers listen to the ideas of their clients about how they want their website to look including the colors, layout, font, and more. Web design could have a huge impact on your performance in search engines e.g Google.
Website design can be used for platforms such as Websites, apps, games, and more. It is a very effective tool that can be used to strengthen the digital presence of the business. Web designers create the overall feel and look of the website it involves materializing colors, images, layout, fonts, and graphics.
When a web designer starts working on a design for a website they take into consideration various elements to make a good website that could work on various devices. They are:
- Graphic design
- User experience design
- Interface design
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Content creation
According to an academic article written by Deborah E. Rosena, and Elizabeth Purinton titled “Website design: Viewing the web as a cognitive landscape”, creating web designs that will attract visitors to the website is important but also creating designs that could converge the website visitors into customers is even more important.
Fun fact: 2/3 of the internet users surf the web using their mobile phones.

Website Design VS Website development
It is easy to get mixed up between website design and website development, but the two are actually very different. Although web designers are required to have development skills and vice versa web developers are required to have soft design skills to be able to do instant adjustments.
Difference between |
1. Create the layout code of the website |
2. Create a Mockup of the design |
2. Use programming language like HTML |
3. Creative process |
3. Technical process |

When did Web design start
The first website every created on the World Wide Web was called CERN and it was designed by Tim Berners-Lee for a European nuclear research organization in the Swiss research center for the purpose of sharing information with researchers. But Tim Berners-Lee also created HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) which is used for coding websites, and he also found the World Wide Web Consortium which is still actively overseeing the developments of web standards today.
Back then in the early 1990’s there was only black text and nothing more not even colors, or tables which is very far from what web design is like today.
Later on in 1993 designs became more interactive with clickable buttons inviting website visitors to “Click Here to Enter”, or “Sign Up Now”. And later in 1994 Hotwire (now Wired Magazine) was the first to introduce web banners and titled the first banner “Have you ever clicked your mouse right here? You will”. The first search engine ever was also introduced by the name of ALIWEB in 1993.
In the present day web design has become a lot more sophisticated and attractive with huge progress than when it first started, with various templates, and ideas creatively put together to reach business goals.
Fun fact: 73% of visitors are heavily influenced by videos.

5 phases to enhance your web design process
- Information gathering: before designing a website you first need to identify the purpose, and goal of the website and the target audience that you want to reach.
- Planning the website: This step involves defining the sitemap, coming up with the website structure and identifying the technology that is going to be used.
- Designing the website: this stage is where designers focus on the wireframe models, the visual style of the website, and the usability (UI/UX) of the website to provide the best user experience they can.
- Content: This step is very important because it is where designers use copy writing to choose the correct text, and add videos, and photos while keeping in mind both the website visitors as well as Search engines for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Developing the website: This is the stage where designers use coding to make the website functional and responsive to the visitors.
What is Entasher.com’s role?
Entasher.com has over 150 Digital marketing agencies that provide Website design services to their clients. The agencies provide high quality services with excellent results for their clients. To view the agencies that provide web design service on entasher.com please visit: https://entasher.com/s/web-development-companies/

“First impressions matter”, have you ever heard this before? Well, yes they definitely do and that is why web design is important. Having a good presentable website is a priority because no matter how good your business is if the design of your website is not attractive and user friendly it will make the consumers think that you simply have gone out of business.
But creating the perfect website involves more than just designing the layout. Although web design is a very important Digital marketing tool, other tools should be used alongside it to create the most attractive users a friendly platform to not hold back on your brand’s popularity.
Fun fact: The average internet user has an attention span of 6-8 seconds. If you are unable to attract their attention in these seconds it is highly likely they will move on.