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Located in Cairo, Egypt

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At NGDC, we’re dedicated to advancing your business through top-tier marketing and web development strategies, tailored to your unique goals & scale. With over 13 years of experience, we excel at making your brand a leader in the digital space swiftly & effectively. Our team brings extensive expertise across various marketing & web development services, enriched by years of experience in diverse industries. We specialize in in-depth market analysis & competitive insights, providing you with a comprehensive view of your competition & strategies to excel in your market. Partner with us to leverage our experience & drive your business to new heights in the digital world.

La Roche Furniture

Created For La Roche Furniture , On 2020

Client Overview: La Roche is a premier furniture manufacturer based in Egypt, renowned for its luxury designs and craftsmanship.

Challenges: La Roche approached our agency to overhaul their digital presence and showcase their extensive product catalog effectively to a global audience. Key challenges included:

  • Outdated Website: Their existing website was outdated and did not reflect the luxury and elegance associated with their brand.

  • High-Resolution Imagery: Needed a platform capable of handling large volumes of high-resolution images without compromising on loading speeds.

  • User Experience: Enhancing user experience to ensure seamless navigation and intuitive product discovery.

Strategy Implemented:

  • Competitive Analysis: Conducted a thorough analysis of competitors' websites to identify industry best practices and opportunities for differentiation.

  • User-Centric Design: Developed a custom, visually appealing website design that emphasized La Roche's craftsmanship and luxury aesthetics.

  • Responsive Design: Ensured the website was fully responsive across all devices to provide a consistent experience for users.

  • SEO Optimization: Implemented SEO best practices to improve organic search visibility and attract targeted traffic.


  • Custom Development: Built a bespoke content management system (CMS) to manage their extensive product range efficiently.

  • Performance Optimization: Optimized website performance to maintain fast load times, even with high-resolution imagery.

  • Content Management: Established a structured content management workflow to facilitate ongoing updates and additions to their product catalog.

Results Achieved:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Positive feedback from users on the intuitive navigation and visually appealing design.

  • Improved Engagement: Increased time spent on the website and reduced bounce rates, indicating improved user engagement.

SEO Success: Improved search engine rankings a

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